Welcome CHS Supporter Form

Carver Alumni Association, Inc., is a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization of North Carolina located in Winston Salem, NC
Welcome CHS Supporter!
Please fill-in all of the information in this form. All information is important and vital to our ability to effectively organize and communicate. You are a valued part of the CHS Community, and we look forward to keeping you informed.
The information requested helps us to stay in touch with you and keep you informed about how your support is impacting the students a Carver High School.
We request contact information, profile information (such as employer and job field), and interest level information so we can be effective in communicating relevant information to you and capitalizing on opportunities to have the most positive impact on the students.
Thank you in advance for submitting your information and helping us make it easier to organize to help the students at Carver High School as well as Having fun with our Alumni Classes.
After filling out this form we will do our best to make sure you have the most up-to-date information and prevent you from being excluded.